Live Q&A

In this hour Wouter Droppers will talk with you, taking all your questions about faith and business.

Join our LIVE Question & Response

Wouter Droppers is available to take your questions about faith and business. As an entrepreneur or business leader you can ask anything or discuss any current challenge about your faith and work. 

If we cannot answer your question during the session, we will come back to you individually afterwards.


December 6, 2021.

Every first Monday of the month at 19.30h CEST.

About Wouter Droppers

Wouter Droppers has come alongside leaders in the business world for more than thirty-five years. He has served as the president of several companies in the automotive sector and currently is president of Europartners, a movement for Christian Business leaders, where he advises, supports, and encourages Christian entrepreneurs throughout Europe about the topic faith and business.

He studied theology, as well as, and he is also the author of the book, ‘The Jerusalem entrepreneur, becoming a source of well-being.’ He is married, has two children and lives in the Netherlands.