Book: The Jerusalem Entrepreneur

The Jerusalem Entrepreneur: Becoming a Source of Well-Being (by Wouter Droppers)

You can order the English book in your local Amazon store. You can find the other languages here.

How do we move from a money-driven business to a purpose-driven business that is a blessing to society, creation, and God and still be economically profitable?

In The Jerusalem Entrepreneur, Wouter Droppers contrasts the biblical cities of Jerusalem and Babylon, which represent the two models of business that dominate today’s business world.

Babylon, the city of man, emphasizes self-realization by means of power, competition, and achievements. The primary objective is to make money. Its motto is “the end justifies the means.”

Jerusalem, the city of God, emphasizes love, justice, and service. The primary objective is the well-being of all. Using the New Jerusalem as his example, Wouter reveals how the New Jerusalem entrepreneur welcomes God’s involvement and can add value to the client and the world in an economically profitable way.

Wouter shares insights and lessons through personal stories and experiences to inspire entrepreneurs and business leaders to follow God in their business and become a source of well-being for the world around them.

Are you ready to be a Jerusalem entrepreneur?

Direct links for ordering

The Jerusalem Entrepreneur in English


“The Jerusalem Entrepreneur is a comprehensive guide for us who are in the marketplace. In the world that we do business in, there are many distractions. However, our best practices and decision-making are to be based on biblical principles. The author, draw-ing from his extensive experience, demonstrates how we, as mar-ketplace ambassadors, can live an integrated life, pleasing God and bringing values to the people with whom we do business. The Jerusalem Entrepreneuris definitely a highly recommended book,showing businesspeople and professionalsto be salt and light for the Lord Jesus Christ in this multi-cultural competitive environment.”
Chairman of the board of CBMC-International, CEO and founder of Jason Marine Group Limited, Singapore
“Successful entrepreneurs all have something in common: a pas-sion for their work. At the same time, this passion is often their pitfall—broken relationships, burn-outs, no money/no rest, and so on. I consider Wouter Droppers to be one of the most inspiring leaders I have been privileged to meet. A brilliant businessman with an unprecedented passion for people. His book, The Jerusa-lem Entrepreneur,is a must-read for every entrepreneur who wants to combine business success with personal well-being.”
Chairman of the Board of Directors, VDV Concrete & Steel, Belgium
“I can highly recommend this book by Wouter Droppers. Due to many years in business, Wouter knows who he’s dealing with. He knows the tricks of the trade. In this book, he depicts the con-trast between two symbolic cities with two business cultures. I was reminded of the first lines of Charles Dickens’ A Tale of Two Cities.It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incre-dulity, it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair…“We are now experiencing a similar paradox. Which way shall we choose? Wouter gives practical guidance to give this form in entrepreneurship and doing business, in the knowledge that God is the ultimate master builder of the New City.”
Cofounder of Europartners and Compass Financial Ministry Europe
“I found the book by Wouter Droppers to be an excellent read! I highly recommend this book. It will help you navigate your faith in your work, which is the purposeof our lives. It is a must-read! Many of us businesspersons have questions about how we con-tribute to the well-being of our employees, vendors, customers, and to our healthy self-interest. How does one balance that in a way that honors God in all that we do? What would Jesus do? This book will assist you in achieving that balance.”
Executive Director,t-factor of Coca Cola Consolidated Inc., Charlotte, NC
“This book provides a personal testimony of how Jesus Christ is relevant to doing business in thesedynamic, challenging times. It is the account of a trial-and-error journeythat turns conflicts of interest into healing love for ourselves and others. This book is recommended for anyone looking for purpose and meaning in work and in doing business.”
Professor of Relational Economics, Values, and Leadership, Erasmus University, Rotterdam