Why Christians Are Already Prepared for Crisis

By Wouter Droppers

Many non-Christian entrepreneurs are asking me: ‘What is the added value of being a Christian in times of crises? We live in the same world, face the same circumstances, and experience the same crises?’ So, what is the added value of being a Christian as entrepreneur in times of crises? 


The first advantage I would like to mention is prayer. We have someone we can go to, someone who is bigger than the circumstances we are in. We have access to the source of life, the almighty God and ruler of this earth himself. If we pray to this God, through Jesus, we receive mercy and find grace to help us in times of need (Hebrew 4: 16). We are not alone in a crisis.

But there is something even more extraordinary when it comes to our God regarding the topic of prayer. There are times in the Christian life when prayer doesn’t come naturally. It could be that due to hardship of the troubles and the overwhelming emotions, we cannot pray anymore. At these moments the Holy Spirit and Christ are taking over. As Paul said: If we cannot pray anymore because of our suffering, grief or fear, the Holy Spirit will take over and intercedes for us through wordless groans, in accordance with the will of God. (Romans 8:27-28) And also Christ, sitting at the right hand of God, will intercede for us (Romans 8:34). What an amazing and extraordinary part of the gospel. God is at work within us.



God will answer our prayers with the peace of God, which transcend all understanding and will guard our hearts and minds in Jesus Christ (Philippians 4:7). This truth helps us avoid getting lost in irrational fear, anxiety, worries and thoughts. It helps us to keep a clear mind to navigate well in times of turmoil and fear. 

We have to realize that this peace is not an inner feeling that tries to separate us from reality so we can live in a future where everything feels nice. The inner peace we as Christians receive is the knowledge that God is with us in this crisis—that we are loved by him and that nothing can separate us from God’s love, no trouble, hardship, or whatever crisis we will face. (Romans 8: 37-39). This knowledge gives us the peace to act within the reality we face and to do what is right, despite of the circumstances. It is the peace and knowledge that God will take care for us, so we can take care of this world and our fellow man, even in tough times. This peace is a gift.


Always having a Future 

While God enters into our circumstances, he simultaneously offers us an incredible future. Through the resurrection of Christ, we, as Christian entrepreneurs, can look to difficulties, suffering and crises as birth pains (Romans 8:18-25). Every end is for us Christians a new beginning. There is always a new start and a new future. Even passing away is a doorway to a new and higher quality of life and knowing. 

This is the Christian hope. It is not called ‘hope’ because it is uncertain and we do not know if it will happen. It is hope, only because we do not see it yet. In our crisis there is no sign of this hope and new future. It is God’s peace that allows us to know that all things will work for good of those who love him and that there will be a new beginning, although we do not see, feel, or understand it yet. This ‘hope’ is for Christians a reality, because it is rooted in God and in his love for us.

The good news

All these advantages are connected to God in us and God working in and for us. We cannot strive, work, or perform to receive these gifts. They’re free. We only have to put our faith and trust in God and his holy presence will fill us. Jesus did not come to give us good advices to handle crises, he came to reconcile us to God and to fill us with his Spirit. What God did and will do is the secret and the added value of the Christian faith.

Copyright 2021. Europartners. Originally placed on faithdrivenentrepreneurs.com